
pdf Native Plant Resource Guide Popular


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Compiled by the Town of Mount Pleasant Conservation Advisory Council

This guide is intended to be a comprehensive resource for homeowners and developers interested in supporting the valuable environmental services provided by native plants in their landscaping plans. It includes a list of vegetation native to this region followed by sections where those plants are listed in various landscaping use categories i.e. deer resistant, erosion control, salt tolerant, bird habitat etc. It will serve as a guide toward the important goal of providing environmental services and habitat values for wildlife as well as aesthetic qualities.

native plant resource guide

This plant guide and was created from various sources including but not limited to The Native Plant Center, Rosedale Nurseries, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Native Landscapes, Inc., Native Plant Garden Center, Pawling, NY, Westchester County Go Native (Westchestergov.com). It is a guide with suggestions and not a definitive resource.

Town Board Contacts

Town Supervisor:

Elizabeth R. Feldman
phone (914) 762-6001
fax (914) 762-0833

Board Members:

Jennifer Fields-Tawil
Angelo Manicchio
Gregory G. Meyer
Matthew Weiss

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